Lisburn Chiropractic Clinic | Belfast | Northern Ireland
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I have been attending the Lisburn Chiropractic Clinic since September 1993 on a regular basis.

Recently, I was asked a simple question by Nicolas, my Chiropractor:

What's the best thing that has kept you coming to this practice for 18 years?

Thinking back, what brought me to this practice was crippling lower back pain, physiotherapy didn't work for me anymore and I didn't really like acupuncture. I thought that I needed something or some type of care to help me regain the enjoyment of an active lifestyle. I'm an avid cyclist and have competed all my life but there has been limitations, such as various sports injuries, and I needed to get back to it so I could enjoy life again.

I can confidently say that the best thing about coming to the Chiropractor is that I can be guaranteed relief and a successful outcome after my adjustment/treatment. Furthermore, maintenance care has meant that I do not get anxious that my spine is going to give me problems. I have found a route to keeping myself in top shape. It is not about the pain as most people tend to think. Nor is it about a quick fix after an injury or before a big event.

I have understood, over the years of coming to Lisburn Chiropractic, that I have a responsibility to keep my spine in good shape and in line. At this clinic, you feel that you form a partnership with the Chiropractor. He does his part of treating, advising and recommending. I keep my end up by following advice because I believe that taking responsibility for my health and my spine can only lead to maximum benefit. I also regard my treatment as an enormous value for money. It's my investment that I make for my health so that I can have an ideal lifestyle.

If you doubt Chiropractic care and the benefits of long term maintenance care, then ask yourself: What have I done to maximise my recovery, my health, my life. This has helped me cycle for 7-8 hours for 6 days consecutively without a problem and that's what has kept me coming here for the past 18 years.,br/>
Gerry, Lisburn, Co.Antrim

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